5 events found.
New season at the Masonic Hall
Annapolis Royal Farmer's Market St George St. , Annapolis RoyalNew season at the Masonic Hall: Antiques, arts and crafts. Every Saturday. Across from market Square parking lot.
Town Crier proclamations
Annapolis Royal Farmer's Market St George St. , Annapolis RoyalEvent proclamations by Annapolis Royal Town Crier, Christine Igot 10 am and noon. Every Saturday at the Farmers and Traders' market
Library: Come LEGO build with Us. Rose Fortune portrait
Annapolis Royal Library 143 Ritchie Street, Annapolis RoyalLibrary: Come LEGO build with Us. Rose Fortune portrait. In celebration of African Heritage Month. We need builders of all ages. Free. No registration. If coming on Saturday, please call...Read more >
Annapolis Home Hardware: The Cuddly Kissing Booth
Annapolis Home Hardware 132 St Anthony Street, Annapolis RoyalAnnapolis Home Hardware: The Cuddly Kissing Booth. Bring in a donation for Cats for Keeps and get your picture taken with your furry, fluffy, feathery or slithery friend.*All animals must...Read more >