Dugua Room, Community Hub: Rose Fortune LegoBrick portrait public unveiling
Dugua Room, Community Hub: Rose Fortune LegoBrick portrait public unveiling. All are welcome. Cake and celebration!
Dugua Room, Community Hub: Rose Fortune LegoBrick portrait public unveiling. All are welcome. Cake and celebration!
Annapolis Royal Skatepark: Snow Moon Howl. Community Recreation event. Free for all ages. Snowshoeing, hiking, kicksledding. Hot cider and bonfire! Courtesy of the County of Annapolis WinterACTIVE team. Call 902-955-1205...Read more >
Town of Annapolis Royal
285 St. George Street, Box 310
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia B0S 1A0
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: (902) 532-2043