New season at the Masonic Hall
Annapolis Royal Farmer's Market St George St. , Annapolis RoyalNew season at the Masonic Hall: Antiques, arts and crafts. Every Saturday. Across from market Square parking lot.
Town Crier proclamations
Annapolis Royal Farmer's Market St George St. , Annapolis RoyalEvent proclamations by Annapolis Royal Town Crier, Christine Igot 10 am and noon. Every Saturday at the Farmers and Traders' market
AWEC: RSANS Provincial Championships
Saturday, March 1st: 11 am - noon and 1 - 3 pm: and Sunday, March 2nd: 1 - 3 pm: AWEC: RSANS Provincial Championships. Rope Skipping Association of Nova Scotia....Read more >
ARCAC: Duane Nickerson: Land and Sky
Opening reception.
AWEC: RSANS Provincial Championships
Saturday, March 1st: 11 am - noon and 1 - 3 pm: and Sunday, March 2nd: 1 - 3 pm: AWEC: RSANS Provincial Championships. Rope Skipping Association of Nova Scotia....Read more >
O’Dell House Museum: Preserving the Past: A Digital Image Accessibility Engagement Session
The O'Dell Museum 136 St. George Street, Annapolis RoyalO’Dell House Museum: Preserving the Past: A Digital Image Accessibility Engagement Session. Learn about the process of digitizing archival images, see our new Flickr site in action, and discuss some...Read more >
Dugua Room. Community Hub. Speakers Series talk: Fake New: How to identify it and how to deal with it with Charlotte Janes
Dugua Room. Community Hub. Speakers Series talk: Fake New: How to identify it and how to deal with it with Charlotte Janes Free in person presentation. No Registration. Sponsored by...Read more >