6 events found.
New season at the Masonic Hall
Annapolis Royal Farmer's Market St George St. , Annapolis RoyalNew season at the Masonic Hall: Antiques, arts and crafts. Every Saturday. Across from market Square parking lot.
Town Crier proclamations
Annapolis Royal Farmer's Market St George St. , Annapolis RoyalEvent proclamations by Annapolis Royal Town Crier, Christine Igot 10 am and noon. Every Saturday at the Farmers and Traders' market
Hub Music Room: Theatre Games Workshops for kids
Hub Music Room: Theatre Games Workshops for kids. Ages 9-15. Free. Walk-in. No registration needed. Every second Saturday (March 22; April 5 and 19; May 3, 17 and 31). Young...Read more >
International Women’s Day Parade
Oqwa'titek Amphitheatre 275 St George St, Annapolis RoyalStarting at the Amphitheatre walking to Market Square.