Dugua de Mons Day Celebrations (Lower Granville Hall)
Dugua de Mons Day Celebrations June 13th – June 18th: 10 am t0 4 pm Lower Granville Hall: 3551, Granville Rd. Port Royal Exhibit celebrating the French merchant explorer Pierre...Read more >
Dugua de Mons Day Celebrations June 13th – June 18th: 10 am t0 4 pm Lower Granville Hall: 3551, Granville Rd. Port Royal Exhibit celebrating the French merchant explorer Pierre...Read more >
Town of Annapolis Royal
285 St. George Street, Box 310
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia B0S 1A0
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: (902) 532-2043