Terry Fox Run
Town Hall 285 St. George Street, Annapolis RoyalThe annual Terry Fox Run will be held in Annapolis Royal on Sunday, September 16 at 1pm, starting at Town Hall. This is a fun filled, non-competitive event to raise...Read more >
The annual Terry Fox Run will be held in Annapolis Royal on Sunday, September 16 at 1pm, starting at Town Hall. This is a fun filled, non-competitive event to raise...Read more >
Free guided marsh tour Meet at the train station Binoculars and field guides available to borrow Free kids activities (wildlife ID, critter dipping & more) Meet at the skate...Read more >
Have you ever thought of a graveyard as a place of adventure, learning and discovery? Have you ever wondered about the meaning of some of the graveyard art on old...Read more >
Town of Annapolis Royal
285 St. George Street, Box 310
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia B0S 1A0
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: (902) 532-2043