10 events found.
Town Crier at the Farmers and Traders Market at 10 am and noon
The Town Crier will be making weekly announcements at 10am and Noon.
Aug 13th Blueberry Social , Bake Sale, Silent Auction- United Church
First United Baptist Church 762 St George Street, Nova ScotiaUnited Church is holding this event Sunday August 13th 11-am-2pm !
August 15th O’Dell Museum- Acadian Era Maps exhibit opening
O'Dell House Museum 136 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NSNew Acadian Heritage Room at the O’Dell House Museum! Featuring historic maps from 1686 to 1755 from the French and Acadian period. Depictions of Acadian life will also be on...Read more >
Fête nationale de l’Acadie 2023 / National Acadian Day 2023
15 aout 2023 AFV et AFAP
National Acadian Day Concert at the O’ Amphitheatre- Maree Haute
Oqwa'titek Amphitheatre 275 St George St, Annapolis Royal, NS, CanadaLINE DANCING MARKET SQUARE STAGE!
Market Square Annapolis Royal, CanadaJoin Durline Melanson for an hour of fun Line Dancing every Thursday starting July 27th 7-8pm on the Market Square Stage! Last Session Sept 14th ! Great fun and excercise...Read more >
Town Crier at the Farmers and Traders Market at 10 am and noon
The Town Crier will be making weekly announcements at 10am and Noon.