Parade of Lights and Fireworks
The Parade of Lights will begin at the Courthouse at 6pm, proceeding to Town Hall and then Market Square. Fireworks will begin at 7pm
The Parade of Lights will begin at the Courthouse at 6pm, proceeding to Town Hall and then Market Square. Fireworks will begin at 7pm
Tickets $18 (adult), $5 (student) at the door.
Create your own ornament. Registrations required:
We will re-open on January 3rd, 2023
The Annapolis Royal Legion, Branch 21 and The Town of Annapolis Royal cordially invite you to our annual New Year’s Day Levée.
Town of Annapolis Royal
285 St. George Street, Box 310
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia B0S 1A0
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: (902) 532-2043