Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia - Where History Meets Opportunity

Phone: 902.532.2043

Street and Sidewalks By-law

Notice of 2nd Reading and Passing

of the

Streets and Sidewalks By-law

TAKE NOTICE THAT Annapolis Royal Town Council will hold 2nd reading and passing of the following Bylaw at the February 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Council meeting:

Streets and Sidewalks By-law

Persons wishing to make a presentation, verbally or in writing, at the Council meeting on February 15, 2023, must contact administration at 902-532-2043 or email below by February 13, 2023.

DRAFT By-Law Under Discussion


Notice of this hearing was given via the following media channels:

The Valley Wire on 26JAN23

on the Town’s Website


If you have questions or comments please contact:

Sandi Millett-Campbell, Chief Administrative Officer

902 532 2043 ext 104

Other Contacts

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