Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia - Where History Meets Opportunity

Phone: 902.532.2043

Sissiboo Cafe

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  3. Sissiboo Cafe
Events at this venue

Book Launch

Sissiboo Cafe 262 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada

A Wholesome Horror: Poor Houses in Nova Scotia is a book recently published by SSP Publications of Halifax. Written by sociologist and former single mom on social assistance, Brenda Thompson, A Wholesome Horror tells the history of the 32+ poor houses that existed in Nova Scotia. Some did not close until the 1970s. Come and...Read more >

Children’s Album Release Party

Sissiboo Cafe 262 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada

Album release party for Ashley Moffat: Habitat. There will be a Live Show, treats, coffee, and CDs for sale. Please RSVP to if you wish to attend. Space is limited!