Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia - Where History Meets Opportunity

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Explore why Annapolis Royal is the ideal destination for medical professionals seeking career growth and work-life balance. Our vibrant community offers a supportive healthcare environment, affordable living, and endless opportunities for outdoor adventure. Whether you’re looking to advance your career or settle into a welcoming community, Annapolis Royal has everything you need to thrive.


Pierre Dugua de Mons documentary

This 50 minute long French documentary film directed by Michel Gémon and produced by Marie-Claude Bouchet of Royan, France was made in 2002-2003 for the 400th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of the Habitation at Port-Royal, Nova Scotia in 2004.
This film traces the adventurous life of Pierre Dugua de Mons, born in Royan around 1560. De Mons financed an expedition to New France thus establishing the first permanent European settlement north of St-Augustine Florida as well as an enduring alliance with the Mi’kmaq in 1605.
Filmed on site in Canada and France and containing many interviews with imminent historians, this documentary tells the important story of a man often left in the shadow of Samuel Champlain but who is ultimately responsible for the establishment of French presence in Canada.
With the approval of both the producer and the director, this film has been translated and sub-titled into English.
The Annapolis Royal Twinning Committee would like to thank the Parker Mountain Wind Turbine Society, the Municipality of the County of Annapolis and the Town of Annapolis Royal for funding to make the sub-titling possible thus allowing anglophone viewers to become familiar with the contribution of Dugua de Mons to Canadian history.

Ce documentaire français de 50 minutes de Michel Gémon (réalisateur) et Marie-Claude Bouchet (productrice) de Royan, en France, a été tourné en 2002-2003 pour la célébration des 400 ans de l’établissement de l’Habitation à Port-Royal, en Nouvelle-Écosse, en 2004.
Ce film raconte la vie aventureuse de Pierre Dugua, sieur de Mons, né à Royan vers 1560. C’est Dugua de Mons qui a financé une expédition en Nouvelle-France et qui a ainsi établi le premier établissement européen au nord de la Floride en 1605, ainsi qu’une alliance avec le peuple mi’kmaw.
Ce film, tourné au Canada et en France en comprenant des entrevues avec des historiens importants, est le seul film qui relate l’histoire de ce marchand explorateur. Même s’il est nettement moins connu que Champlain, c’est pourtant Dugua de Mons qui est responsable des débuts de la présence française dans la région.
Avec l’autorisation du réalisateur et de la productrice, le film a été traduit et sous-titré en anglais.
Le comité de jumelage de la ville d’Annapolis Royal désire remercier la société Parker Mountain Wind Turbine, la municipalité du comté d’Annapolis et la ville d’Annapolis Royal du financement qui a permis le sous-titrage du film en anglais et qui offre donc la possibilité aux anglophones de comprendre la contribution de Dugua de Mons à l’histoire du Canada.

RURAL RENAISSANCE: How Canada’s Oldest Town Reinvented Itself…

This documentary captures the story of the Annapolis Royal Development Commission and its impactful projects that now, 40 years later, are still the backbone of the community.

Spearheaded by Jane Nicholson and AIRO, with the support of filmmaker Andrew Tolson and researcher Wilfred Allan, what started out as a short video for the community became an hour-long documentary to show what is truly possible when a community comes together.

Community and economic development in rural Nova Scotia is a long process. This documentary shares the impact of a project begun over 40 years ago and shows how the community continues to benefit from those efforts today. The documentary also acts as a touchpoint for future generations to consider when they look back 40 years from now. And – spoiler alert – we may have some opportunities coming in 2022 for conversations about how things could play out for our community 40 years forward!


Annapolis Royal had the honour of being first on Maclean’s list “Canada 2014: 10 Places You’ve Got to See”. We’re proud to have been joined by many other spectacular locations in Canada.

Visit Canada 2014: Places You’ve Got To See to view all of the delightful and unexpected locations our country has to offer in this beautifully produced series.

The producer of the “Meet You in Annapolis Royal” 5-part promotional series of videos was Edifice Media.

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