Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia - Where History Meets Opportunity

Phone: 902.532.2043

Equipment Replacement

The purpose of this Equipment Replacement Policy is to propose a vehicle replacement plan for the Town to follow, and the specific vehicle and equipment needs and requirements of the Town. This policy reflects the vision of the Town of Annapolis Royal to create a multi-year vehicle and equipment replacement plan that will serve as a guide in providing direction to meet needs. This is a living document that will be modified and updated annually to reflect changes in the Town’s organizational climate, the changing needs of citizens and changes in the automotive and equipment industry. The Town of Annapolis Royal Department of Public Works is assigned the overall responsibility for managing the Pubic Works’ fleet of vehicles and construction/maintenance equipment.  The Annapolis Royal Police Department is responsible for the fleet of vehicle and police equipment.  These Departments, in conjunction with the Town CAO, work to: develop vehicle and equipment specifications; develop vehicle and equipment replacement schedules, acquire vehicles and equipment; and reassign and dispose of vehicles and equipment. The vehicle and equipment maintenance function are assigned solely to the Department of Public Works and to the Annapolis Royal Police Department.

Equipment Replacement Policy- Signed

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