Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia - Where History Meets Opportunity

Phone: 902.532.2043

Heritage Properties

Annapolis Royal is a unique town. It has outstanding history, built heritage, culture and a beautiful natural setting. Most of the Town is included in a National Historic District, which includes about 135 registered heritage buildings. Of these heritage buildings, several are designated as National Historic Sites, while several others have Provincial designation, and the remainder are municipally designated. These assets need to be conserved and restored in an appropriate manner, and to be emphasized, and included in our marketing and support of the Town. To meet these objectives we need to encourage homeowners to protect these scarce heritage assets.

Definition of a Heritage Building: A building which was constructed prior to 1940.

Definition of a Registered Heritage Building: A Registered heritage building is a structure which has been registered as such at the Registry of Deeds in Lawrencetown.

                                              Why We Have Heritage Properties

Our heritage shapes our identity—it becomes part of who we are and what we do. Our expression
of that identity shows others what we cherish. It highlights our values and our priorities. A
community’s heritage is not static—it continues to evolve. Actions and events taking place today
will become part of our heritage in years to come.

Few communities can boast of a history as rich and diverse as Annapolis Royal. Our cultural
heritage goes back thousands of years; our built heritage dates from the arrival of the first European
settlers in 1605. Our history and our heritage buildings are economic drivers that have helped
make this the resilient, creative, and sustainable community we call home. Their stories are a
source of community pride.

The active legislated protection of built heritage in Annapolis Royal was a product of the
Development Commission of the late 1970s and early 1980s. During that process, the citizens of
Annapolis Royal came to realize that the heritage buildings in the Town—both residential and
commercial—were not just relics from our past, but economic assets to be protected for our future.
To that end, the goal of Annapolis Royal’s Municipal Planning Strategy is to protect the Town’s
unique character—the character defined by our built heritage. To help achieve that goal, the Town
is totally committed to the preservation of its heritage properties—properties distinguished by their
character defining elements and the stories which bring them to life.

144 St. George Street

144 144 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

144 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., encompasses several semi-attached buildings one which, also serving as a residence, is defined as 146 St. George Street. The main building, 144 St. …

62 Chapel Street

62 Chapel Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Lewis house at 62 Chapel Street is a 1 1/2 storey wood frame structure with a large back ell, clad with wooden shingles and with a gable roof. The …

9-11 Church Street

9-11 Church Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

9-11 Church Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as Ye Olde Towne Pub, is a two-storey building of brick construction. It is sited within the historic commercial district of Annapolis …

21 Church Street

21 Church Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

21 Church Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Masonic Temple, is a two-storey, wood-frame structure. It was built for the local Masonic Lodge between 1911 and 1912 and …

45 Church Street

45 Church Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

45 Church Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Lewis House, is a small one-and-one-half storey wood-frame structure. It is located near the former Annapolis Royal railway yard and …

6 Drury Lane

6 Drury Lane, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

6 Drury Lane is a single detached, one-and-one-half-storey building built in the Late-Victorian plain style. The building is located adjacent to the street near the corners of St George Street, …

36 Drury Lane

36 Drury Lane, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

36 Drury Lane consists of a is single detached one-and-one-half storey building with an ell on a residential lot. The house is located adjacent to the road on a residential …

46 Drury Lane

46 Drury Lane, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

46 Drury Lane consists of a residential building and lot, and is located on a residential street among buildings which are of similar age and style. The house is a …

58 Drury Lane

58 Drury Lane, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Cross-Therrio House is a single detached, one-and-one-half-storey building in the Late-Victorian Plain style situated on a residential lot in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. The historic place is located on …

260 Prince Albert Road

260 Prince Albert Road, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

260 Prince Albert Road, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built in circa 1904 in the Italianate style. The two-storey house is located on a corner lot close to the street in …

120 Ritchie Street

120 Ritchie Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Collins-Merriam house in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is a one and one half storey wood framed structure built circa 1891 in the Late Victorian Plain style. It is clad …

126 Ritchie Street

126 Ritchie Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The municipally registered historic property at 126 Ritchie Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a one-and-a-half storey, wood framed ell shaped house with a one storey addition to the rear. It …

138 Ritchie Street

138 Ritchie Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

138 Ritchie Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built c. 1875 in the Greek Revival style. It is a one and one half storey residence with a steep gabled roof. The …

204 St. Anthony Street

204 St. Anthony Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Corbitt House is a two-and-one-half-storey, wood frame Neo-classical style house located at the end of the residential section of St. Anthony Street at the intersection of Church Street in …

209-211-213 St. Anthony Street

209-211-213 St. Anthony Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

209/211/213 St. Anthony Street is a two-storey stud framed house built in the Maritime Vernacular style in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. This building is located adjacent to the road at …

210 St. Anthony Street

210 St. Anthony Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Shaw-McClafferty House is a one-and-one-half storey wood frame Late Victorian Plain style building. The house is located adjacent to the road in an area of designated historic properties of …

222 St. Anthony Street

222 St. Anthony Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The King House is a one-and-one-half storey wood frame structure built in the Classical Revival style. The house sits adjacent to the road in an area of other designated heritage …

226 St. Anthony Street

226 St. Anthony Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Ritchie-Cummings House is a one-and-one-half storey balloon framed structure built in the Late Victorian Plain style. The house is situated adjacent to the road in a neighbourhood of registered …

232 St. Anthony Street

232 St. Anthony Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Bishop-Wentzell House is a one-and-one-half storey structure built in the Late Victorian Plain style. The house is located in a neighbourhood of registered heritage properties of similar age and …

Annapolis Royal Historic District National Historic Site of Canada

St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

Annapolis Royal Historic District National Historic Site of Canada is situated at the junction of the Annapolis and Allain Rivers, in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. The district’s historic core, consisting …

112 St. George Street

112-114 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

112-114 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a two storey Italianate style house built in 1876. It is located on the corner of Lower St. George Street and Chapel …

122 St. George Street

122 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

122 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a one-and-one-half storey, one bay façade, Neo-classical style house. The pre-1860 building is located adjacent to the street on the south side …

136-138 St. George Street

136-138 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

136/138 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the O’Dell House, was built circa 1868 in the Greek Revival style. The house is located adjacent to the street …

150 St. George Street

150 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

150 St. George Street, commonly known as the Bailey House, was built around 1770 and is a two-storey, wood framed structure in the Georgian style, with a truncated hip roof. …

154 St. George Street

154 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Robertson-McNamara House at 154 St George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia is a two-and-one-half storey structure built circa 1785 in the Neo-classical style. It has a gable roof and …

158 St. George Street

158 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Bonnett House, located at 158 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, is a two-storey wood frame structure built circa 1773 in the Neo-classical style. It features a five bay …

162-164 St. George Street

162-164 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Murray House at 162-164 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S. is a two-and-one-half-storey wood-frame structure that was built in the 1780s. It is located in the historic waterfront area …

170 St. George Street

170 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

170 St. George Street, also known as the Woods Property, is a one and one-half storey wood-frame structure. It is sited in the historic waterfront area of Annapolis Royal and …

174 St. George Street

174 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Hicks-Atwood house at 174 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is a nearly square two storey wood frame structure clad in wood shingles with a gable roof. It …

176 St. George Street

176 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

176 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Arnold House, is a one and one-half storey house of wood construction, with pitched roof. It is located in …

200-204 St. George Street

200-204 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

200 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, is the main historic edifice in the Town by virtue of its scale, architectural sophistication and structural quality. It rises three full stories …

207-209 St. George Street

207-209 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

207-209 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as King’s Theatre, was built in 1921, with substantial additions and modifications in 1981-1982. It has served as a theatre for …

208-210 St. George Street

208-210 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

208 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Alfred Messenger Building, Royal then Cosy Café and Fletcher’s Drug Mart, was built in 1874-1875 by John Lockwood. Apart …

220-224 St. George Street

220-224 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

Originally constructed about 1713 as a one-storey house and shop, 222/224 St. George Street, commonly known as the Adams-Ritchie House, is now a large two storey, wood framed structure with …

230 St. George Street

230 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Sinclair Inn is a two-and-a-half storey, Georgian style building with Classical influences, located on St. George Street, in the center of the town of Annapolis Royal, N.S. The Inn …

239-241 St. George Street

239-241 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

239-241 St. George St., Annapolis Royal is a brick commerical building, built ca.1886 in the Classic Revival style. The property is located in the center of the downtown commercial district. …

240-242 St. George Street

240-242 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Journeay house at 240-242 St. George Street is a rectangular two storey wood frame structure clad in wood shingles with a gable roof. It was built circa 1827 in …

245 St. George Street

245 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

Erected on the site of the former Government House, the Lighthouse is a notable example of the smaller lighthouses built around the province to aid navigation. The structure for many …

248 St George Street

248 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Royal Bank of Canada building at 248 St. George Street in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is a three storey brick structure built in 1875 in the Second Empire style. …

253 St. George Street

253 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The municipally registered historic property at 253 St. George Street, commonly known as the McCormick Building, is a wood framed two and a half storied building with additions on the …

262-264 St. George Street

262-264 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

262-264 St. George Street, also known as the Buxton Building, is a large, two storey, flat roofed commercial structure of wood construction. It is located in the historic business district …

266-268 St. George Street

266-268 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

266-268 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., the Langille Building also known by site association as American House, was built in 1922 and remodelled thereafter most extensively in circa 1993. …

285 St. George Street

285 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

285 St. George Street, commonly known as the Annapolis Royal Town Hall, is of brick construction in the Classic Revival style and is located on the northeast section of land …

Officer’s Quarters

295 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

Located on the park grounds of the Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada, the Officers’ Quarters is a storey and a half, gambrel-roofed rectangular structure. Eight dormer windows are …

Black Hole Powder Magazine

295 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Black Hole Powder Magazine is buried in the earthen walls of the Bastion de Bourgogne at Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada. The building is a rectangular, masonry …

South Powder Magazine

295 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

As a component of a bastioned fortification, the South Powder magazine is a rectangular, squat, vaulted bomb-proof structure with a gable roof with deep flared eaves. It has massive, slightly …

Charles Fort National Historic Site of Canada

295 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

Located underneath the restored Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada, there are no above ground resources to show where Charles Fort once had been. Nevertheless, from the site where …

302 St. George Street

302 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Hardwick Block at 302 St George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia is a two storey frame and stucco block structure built in 1922 in the Classical Revival style. It …

308-310 St. George Street

308-310 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

308-310 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built in 1922 in the Colonial Revival style and presently has a gable roof that faces the street. The commercial building is …

314 St. George Street

314 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

314 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Gushue Building, is a two storey, flat roofed brick commercial building located at 314 St. George St. It is …

324 St. George Street

324 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

324 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as Dargie Plaza, was among the first large commercial buildings to be completed after the devastating 1921 fire. The two-storey wood …

340 St. George Street

340 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

St. Luke’s Anglican Church is located prominently on St. George Street, opposite the Old Garrison Burying Ground and Fort Anne National Park, in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. This wooden, Gothic …

364-366 St. George Street

364-366 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

364 St. George House, commonly known as the Souchen House, was built in the 1860s. It is a large two-storey home with a steeply-pitched roof, in the Queen Anne Revival …

372-374 St. George Street

372-374 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

372-374 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built in circa 1882 in the Queen Anne Revival style. The building sits close to St. George Street on a narrow lot …

377 St. George Street

377 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Annapolis County Court House is a solid, well-preserved, two storey Palladian building located at the corner of St. George Street and Prince Albert Road in Annapolis Royal, NS. It …

378-380 St. George Street

378-380 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

380 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built in 1868 in the Neo-classic style. The building is located adjacent to St. George Street, across from the Annapolis Court House, …

390 St. George Street

390 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Riley-Burnham House is located at the intersection of St. George Street and Prince Albert Road in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. This is the principal intersection in Annapolis Royal and …

393 St. George Street

393 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

393 St. George Street, also known as the United Church of St. George and St. Andrew, is a large two storey, red brick structure located at the main intersection of …

396-398 St. George Street

396-398 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

396 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was originally built to house St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. The main worship space included upper level seating. The structure was raised on a …

401 St. George Street

401 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

401 St. George Street, also known as the United Church Manse, is a two-storey wood-frame structure. It is sited next to the United Church of St. George and St. Andrews …

407 St. George Street

407 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Harris House is located in close proximity to the former Dominion Atlantic Railway line, now used as a public walking trail, on upper St. George Street in Annapolis Royal, …

424 St. George Street

424 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

424 St. George Street, also known as the Rufus Hardwick House, was built in circa 1888 likely by Ella Bonnett Gavaza shortly after her father, Peter Bonnett, sold her the …

430-432 St. George Street

430-432 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

430-432 St. George Street is a two-and-a-half home located on the main thorough fare in Annapolis Royal, NS. The wood framed house was built circa 1840 and features a central …

438 St. George Street

438 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

438 St. George Street, also known as the Captain Pickels House, was built circa 1874 on the site of an early house probably completed before 1848. The 2 storey, 3 …

441 St. George Street

441 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Willows was built in the Bracketted style in 1863. This building is located on the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens property and acts as the offices and gift shop for …

446-448 St. George Street

446-448 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Delap-Savary house, 446 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built circa 1875 in the Second Empire style by Laurence Delap, a local merchant and ship builder. The house …

454 St. George Street

454 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

454 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, consists of a a one-and-one-half storey wood frame structure built circa 1815 in the Neo-Classical style and a small residential lot. It …

467-471 St. George Street

467-471 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

This house is located on upper St George Street in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. It is a one and a half storey wooden building with a three bay facade and …

477 St. George Street

477 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The de Gannes-Cosby house at 477 St George Street is a rectangular one and one half storey wooden structure with an ell. The building was constructed in 1708 in the …

478 St. George Street

478 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

478 St George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Runciman House and as Girvan Bank, was built in 1817. The house is a rare, intact, one-and-one half storey …

494 St. George Street

494 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Queen Anne Inn, built in 1869-1870. is a large three storey wood-frame house with a mansard roof, and a significant period two storey ell to the rear. It is …

499 St. George Street

499 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

499 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal was built in the mid-1860s in the Greek Revival style. The building is set back from St. George Street in its original setting on …

518 St. George Street

518 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

518 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is one and a half storey structure built circa 1850 in the Classical Revival style. It is a wood frame, rectangular structure …

519 St. George Street

519 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

519 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Hillsdale House, was built in 1859-1860. It is a large two storey wood-framed structure with ells and additions on …

530 St. George Street

530 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

530 St. George Street stands on part of the historic Belliveau property and was built between 1873 and 1875 when briefly occupied by John Lockwood and his wife Harriet before …

540 St. George Street

540 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

540 St. George, on the road to the Cape, represents the physical culmination of a long history of Roman Catholic worship in the Annapolis Basin and at Port Royal/Annapolis Royal. …

548 St. George Street

548 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

548 St. George Street, also known as the King George Inn, is a circa 1885 Italianate style house. Located on a main street in Annapolis Royal, NS, this brightly painted …

558 St. George Street

558 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The wood-frame, two storey, L-shaped house is located at 558 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, and was probably constructed about 1884. It was built as a private home and …

613 St. George Street

613 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

613 St. George Street is a one storey Queen Anne Revival house located in Annapolis Royal, NS. Its distinctive bracketed eave overhang and recessed porch with curved roof tower set …

619 St. George Street

619 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

619 St. George Street, also known as the Dargie/Dill House, is a large two storey house of wood construction. It is located in a major residential district of Annapolis Royal …

629 St. George Street

629 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

629 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., built in 1890-1891, is a large two-storey house with two-storey rear ell, situated on a large lot, with a contemporary carriage house at …

643 St. George Street

643 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

643 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., built c 1890, is a large two-storey house of wood construction. It is set in its original grounds, and has a carriage house …

652 St. George Street

652 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The municipally designated single family house at 652 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a two storey L-shaped house with a two storey rear ell. Built in the Neo-classical …

664-666 St. George Street

664-666 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The historic residence at 664-666 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a wood framed one-and-a-half storey building with belcast gambrel roof, which, from the street, gives the appearance of …

672 St. George Street

672 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

672 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built circa 1860 in the Greek Revival style. It is a two-and-one-half storey residence with a medium gabled roof. The property is …

680 St. George Street

680 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

680 St. George Street, also known as the Shipp House, is a small, two storey, wood frame residence located on upper St. George St. in Annapolis Royal, NS, in an …

700 St. George Street

700 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

700 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built ca. 1870 in the Greek Revival style. The building is located on St. George Street and is set back from the …

703-705 St. George Street

703-705 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

703-705 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built ca. 1900 in the Queen Anne Revival style. It is a two and one half storey residence with a medium gabled …

712 St. George Street

712 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

712 St George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built by George Robinson circa 1824 in the Georgian style in brick. The house is set well back from the main street …

762 St. George Street

762 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

762 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, is the site of the Baptist Church. Erected in 1873-1874, the church represents a fine example of the craft Gothic style that is …

780 St. George Street

780 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The two-storey brick Italianate house located at 780 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S was constructed about 1885-6 by Milledge Buckler. It has undergone few alterations to its exterior in …

789-791 St. George Street

789-791 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

789-791 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as The Gables, is a municipally designated property. Is a large two storey wooden structure built about 1818 and added to …

800 St. George Street

800 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

800 St. George Street is a Picturesque style home located on the upper section of St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS. The Municipal Heritage Designation includes the building and the …

808 St. George Street

808 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

808 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is a one-and-one-half storey wood frame structure built circa 1858 in the Gothic Revival style. The house is clad in wood clapboard …

832 St. George Street

832 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

832 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built between 1818 and 1834. It is a single detached rectangular one and a half storey wood framed building built in the …

843 St George Street

843 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Harris-Baxter house at 843 St George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is a two storey wood framed structure clad with wood shingles. It was built in 1886 in the …

129 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada.

129 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., was built as a residence by a Mr. R. Hopkins in 1874. Although sometimes dated to 1850 and allied with the Classic or …

524 St. George Street

524 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S, Canada

524 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a late nineteenth century two-storey wooden building, located close to the street. The designation includes the building and surrounding property.

Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada

295 St. George Street, Fort Anne National Historic Site, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

Fort Anne National Historic Site is a fortified site located at the confluence of the Annapolis and Allain rivers in the town of Annapolis Royal. Settled since 1629, the fort …

18 St. James Street

18 St. James Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Riordan-Francis house is a one and a half storey wood framed building built in the Gothic Revival style. The building has a distinctive large triangular dormer with an elaborate …

24 St. James Street

24 St. James Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

24 St. James Street consists of a one-and-one-half-storey, single detached building and residential lot located on a residential street in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. The house is located adjacent to …

37 St. James Street

37 St. James Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

37 St. James Street consists of a two storey building located adjacent to the road and built in the Neo-Classical style, and a small residential lot. The house is located …

43 St. James Street

43 St. James Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

43 St. James Street consists of a one-and-one-half storey house located adjacent to the street in a residential section of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, and a small residential lot. The …

8 Victoria Street

8 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

8 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, was built ca. 1900. It is a single detached rectangular two storey wood framed building built in the Maritime Vernacular style. It is …

80-82 Victoria Street

80-82 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

80-82 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., commonly known as the A.B. Cunningham House, was constructed between 1880 and 1886. It is an impressive private residence, two-and-a-half storey single detached brick …

83 Victoria Street

83 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

83 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Uniacke-Bartlett Residence, was built circa 1874. It is a one-and-one-half storey Greek Revival home. The Municipal Heritage Designation includes the …

89 Victoria Street

89 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The municipally registered historic property at 89 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a wood framed one and a half story building with an extension of similar proportions to the …

95 Victoria Street

95 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The municipally registered property at 95 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., is a two storey wood framed building. There is a one storey extension to the rear. A modern sun …

98 Victoria Street

98 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

The Robinson-Kelsall House at 98 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, is a two-storey brick structure with a pyramidal roof topped with a cupola. The house was built in 1874 in …

101 Victoria Street

101 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

101 Victoria Street is a one-and-one-half storey wood frame Neo-classical style home. The building is located near the intersection of Victoria Street and Prince Albert Road in an area of …

151 Victoria Street

151 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0, Canada

151 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S., also known as the Annapolis Royal Railway Station is a one storey building with a hip roof, with wide eaves overhanging on all four …