Policies and By-laws
The contents of these policies are produced and/or consolidated for convenience only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the material, the Town cannot guarantee its legal accuracy and does not accept responsibility for loss or inconvenience suffered by users as a result of inaccuracies. Although every effort is made, policies and by-laws included on this website may not reflect recent revisions.
Please contact Town Hall before you make any decision which is based upon policy. Up-to-date copies of policies are available at Town Hall.
If you have a complaint to make to the Town, contact the Town Administration Office at (902) 532-2043 during regular office hours. In order for Administration to record a complaint, you must be willing to give your name, address and phone number. This information is kept confidential.
Once a complaint has been made with the Town, it is passed on to the appropriate department.
Town Policies
- Acceptance of Donations
- Accessibility Rebate
- Accounts Receivable Policy for Non Tax and Non Water Utility Revenue
- Annapolis Hub Comfort Centre & Emergency Shelter Policy
- Annapolis Regional Emergency Management Comfort Centres and Emergency Shelters Policy
- Anti-Violence in the Workplace
- Appointments to Boards, Committees, and Task Forces
- Arts and Culture
- Asset Management Policy
- Audit Committee Policy
- Building and Alteration Guidelines
- Code of Conduct for Elected Officials
- Communications Policy
- Computer Purchasing
- Conflict Resolution
- Contractors on Town Property – Not Hired by the Town
- Council and Staff Expenses
- Council Remuneration
- COVID-19 Property Tax Financing Program Policy
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Sponsorship Policy
- Emergency Service Provider Registration
- Employee Wellness
- Energy Management for Town Owned Buildings
- Equipment Replacement
- Establishing the Annapolis Pool Committee
- Establishing the Marketing and Economic Development Committee
- Establishing the Municipal Effectiveness Advisory Committee
- Establishing the Waterfront Development Committee
- Establishment of the Environment Advisory Committee
- Facility Usage Agreement for Town Owned Facilities
- Fines and Fees
- Fire Area Rate
- Flag Flying
- Flex Hours
- Grants for Encouraging New and Interesting Events (GENIE) Policy
- Heat Pump and Solar Panel Approval
- Hospitality Policy
- Idling Control
- Influenza Pandemic Personnel
- Invasive Alien Species
- Investment Policy
- Lieu Time
- Limits of Authority for the CAO
- Live Streaming of Council Meetings
- Logo Usage
- Low Income Tax Exemption
- Marketing and Economic Development Committee
- Meetings, Procedures, and Presentations
- Municipal Planning Strategy Amendments
- Naming Roads
- NSF Cheques
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Payment in Lieu of Prosecution
- Procurement
- Project Lifesaver Procedures
- Projects to Improve Quality of Life (PIQL) Fund
- Public Participation
- Routine Access
- Sandwich Boards and Off-Premises Signs on Town Property
- Security of Town Maps, Drawings and Records
- Sewage Treatment Plant
- Smoke Free Vehicles
- Smoking Cessation
- Snow and Ice Control
- Social Media
- Staff Training
- Standing Proclamations
- System of Fire Inspection
- Tax Account Receivables Collections
- Tax Billing
- Tax Collection
- Tax Collection Fees
- Town Capital Budget
- Town Real Estate Transactions
- Travel Policy
- Tree Inspection and Removal
- Tree Take Downs
- Unapproved and Approved Minutes
- Use of Public Property Including Communications Equipment
- Vacation Carryover
- Videoconferencing
- Water Utility Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention
- Water Utility Receivables Collections
- Water Utility Testing
- Waterfront Development Committee
- Yard Debris Drop Off
Town By-laws
- Alternative Voting
- Auxiliary Police
- Board of Police Commissioners
- Building
- Cannabis
- Civic Address By-Law
- Day Care Centres
- Deed Transfer
- Deposit by Candidates at an Election
- Dogs
- Fire and Intruder Alarm
- Land Use By-law 2020
- Loitering
- Minimum Housing and Maintenance Standards
- Municipal Planning Strategy 2020
- Non-profit Organization Property Tax Reduction
- Off-Road Vehicles
- Orderly and Peaceful Conduct
- Outdoor Fires
- Pension
- Planning and Heritage Committee
- Police
- Production and Distribution of Energy from Specific Renewable and Green Energy Sources
- Provision of Taxation Information
- Regional Emergency Management
- Sewer System
- Solid Waste Resource Management
- Streets and Sidewalks
- Swimming Pool Fencing
- Taxi
- Valley Waste-Resource Management By-Law 2014
- Vending